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Histopathological gill-score

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Histopathological gill-score 

If statistical analysis of histology data is required for your project on gill health, we recommend using our gill-score. Our gill-score is a semi-quantitative method where histopathological parameters are graded from 0-4 by a dedicated veterinary pathologist. We can tailor the gill-score to suit the aim of your project. 


Combining histopathology with PCR for an overall approach 

Presence or absence, and level of infectious gill agents can be useful information to provide an overview of gill health in projects. Histopathological gill-score can be combined with PCR analyses relevant for your project. Gill swabs are a convenient way for sampling gills for PCR analysis.  


Heart-score is not included in our standard diagnostic histopathology service since the method is more suitable for controlled studies. The selection of fish is critical when using gill-score for statistical analysis. We can assist you in planning sampling and study-design.   


Don’t hesitate to contact us about using gill-score in your next project on